When I think of my health, white America, in choosing to be politically correct, now refer to us as African American. I believe that the long road we paved to be called African American bears no significance. Not too long ago, we were portable personal property, which equated us as human beings in livestock or, furniture, and other portable personal property. We could be inherited, sold, or transferred without permission if you were a slave. When slavery was abolished in 1865, black people were free to go and move about and create their lives. It was never easy to be treated as or accepted as human beings. We are still fighting for our freedoms. While working as slaves on plantations, some slave masters took care of their slaves by ensuring they ate well so they could continue to pick cotton and stay out in the fields all day and work. While other slave plantation owners were not interested in the health of their slaves. Today there are certain health matters that are unique to black people such as sickle cell anemia, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc. Unfortunately, in the United States Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, etc. have a disproportionate number of diseases, injuries, untimely deaths, and disabilities. These disparities decreased productivity, increased health care cost, and social unfairness. According to (Health Disparities Experienced by Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations, 2019) b 2050, racial/ethnic minorities will account for nearly 50% of the total population. If these populations continue to have poor health status, the probable demographic variations will boost the adverse influence on such differences on public health in the United States. Despite recent evolvement progress, racial/ethnic disparities persist among 10 leading health indicators that was recognized in the 2010 national health objectives. There are so many factors that play a part in socioeconomic factors such as education, employment, and poverty. Having access to clinical preventive services contribute to racial/ethnic health disparities. My people, if you are interested in knowing more about health issues uniquely pertaining to us, go blackhealthmatters.com and check it out and KEEP HOLDING ON